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Exports VS Domest market

Exports VS Domest market


Direct exports: 27%;







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With over 50 years of activity, it´s natural that both Extrusal's businesses and markets evolved towards greater adaptability to the changes felt.

Until a few years ago, the Architecture sector represented approximately 70% of Extrusal's annual sales volume, while Industry held a small share of the activity, that is, the remaining 30%. Most of the sales of construction systems were sold through commercial companies that were created throughout the Portuguese territory. The destination of profiles and parts for the industry sector was and continues to be the European market, while direct exports from the Architecture sector continue to be directed mainly to the PALOPs.


After the creation of the extrusion laboratory in 1999, obtaining the Quality and Environment certifications, the creation of the International Commercial Department (2004) and commercial companies in the PALOP (Hexalmar – Cape Verde 2003, Aluexal – Angola 2005, Extrusal Mozambique – Mozambique 2009), Industry represented around 68% of Extrusal's sales volume, and direct exports 50% of production volume.

According to INE, the economy grew by 4.9% in 2021.

According to the FMI, European growth was not higher because in the second half of the year the manufacturing sector was greatly affected by the disruption of supply chains. The automotive industry has been forced to reduce vehicle production due to the worldwide shortage of subconductors.


The growth of European economies due to the gradual introduction of measures to contain the spread of covid-19, the continuation of macroeconomic policies, with the aim of stimulating the economy, and the strong recovery in the main destinations for the export of products produced in the EU led to growth in exports and domestic demand, although there were asymmetries in the various sectors of activity.

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In Portugal, 2021 was marked by positivism in the construction sector. The number of buildings project licensed in municipal councils increased, with a growth of 9.5% in residential buildings and 1.5% in non-residential buildings.

The construction of public buildings grew by 4.5%.

Thus, in 2021, direct exports showed lower percentages, compared to 2020, due to the growth in turnover from the Architecture sector, whose destination is essentially the domestic market. Direct exports accounted for 27% of turnover. In terms of activities by sector, all subsectors increased, with only a decrease in the industrial sector in general, standing at 45.6%. The architecture sector rose to 30.1% and the automotive industry to 24.3%.

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