
Class+ can mean a 55% reduction in energy losses

02 jun 2022Back
Classe+ 1

Extrusal adheres to the CLASS+ energy labeling system, currently having several architectural systems rated A+, the most efficient.

This classification can mean a reduction of at least 55% of energy losses associated with an element.

Not being a mandatory classification, the CLASS+ label makes it possible to compare the energy performance of building envelope elements, such as windows, doors or others.

CLASS+ label is an initiative of ADENE - Agência para a Energia and is an instrument available to citizens to support the choice of more efficient windows and doors, using the best companies and the best professional installers. Requiring the CLASS+ label in proposals and/or budgets is the first step towards a more informed and correct choice.
Specifically, the CLASS+ label aims to respond to the absence of a mandatory European label for some products that affect the energy performance of buildings, such as windows, insulation, paints, among others.

The objective is to provide consumers with a simple and easily interpreted reference when looking for more energy efficient solutions with a high influence on the comfort and energy consumption of buildings.

The energy performance of products is rated on a scale from “F” (least efficient) to “A+” (most efficient), similar to the energy label of home appliances.

Through this reference to the energy class, it is possible to establish, from the outset, a minimum requirement for the energy efficiency of the solution to be acquired, as well as to compare the performance between different systems.

CLASS+ label has no cost to the consumer. It allows you to make a more informed choice and improve your home's comfort and, at the same time, reduce energy consumption expenses.

With a 100% focus on sustainability, Extrusal is committed daily to offering efficient aluminum systems for architecture, thus allowing for a reduction in energy consumption, transforming them into economical ??? and the future. The development of sustainable aluminum system solutions testifies to the great sense of environmental responsibility that Extrusal has had over its 50 years.

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